Can Akgun1, Lance DelaBarre1,
Carl J. Snyder1, Gregor Adriany1, Anand Gopinath2,
Kamil Ugurbil1, John Thomas Vaughan1
1University of Minnesota-Center for
Magnetic Resonance Research, Minneapolis, MN, United States; 2University
of Minnesota-Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Minneapolis,
volume coils can be comprised of an array of transmission line elements
operated as independent coils in multiple-channel transmit and receive
configurations. In these designs, microstrip transmission elements have been
implemented as magnetic field propagating elements. However, at high fields,
RF in-homogeneities and inefficiencies require the optimization of these
elements. In this study, two different
microstrip designs with varying impedance lines; one producing peak B1+ in
the center and the other extending usable B1+ along the coil are
investigated. Simulation and image
results for 8-channel volume coils incorporating these element designs were
obtained using a phantom at 7T.