Ben Jeurissen1, Alexander Leemans2,
Jacques-Donald Tournier3, Derek K. Jones4, Jan Sijbers1
1Visionlab, University of Antwerp,
Antwerp, Belgium; 2Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 3Brain Research Institute,
Florey Neuroscience Institutes (Austin), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 4CUBRIC,
School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
advances of high angular resolution diffusion imaging allow the extraction of
multiple fiber orientations per voxel and have spawned an interest for
classification of voxels by the number of fiber orientations. In this work,
we estimated the number of fiber orientations within each voxel using the
constrained spherical deconvolution method with the residual bootstrap
approach. We showed that multiple-fiber profiles arise consistently in
various regions of the human brain where complex tissue structure is known to
exist. Moreover, we detect voxels with more than two fiber orientations and
detect a much higher proportion of multi-fiber voxels than previously