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Abstract #1048

MR-Microscopy on a Human 7T-Scanner

Andreas Berg1, Andreas Potthast2, Piotr Starewicz3

1MR-Center of Excellence, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Wien, Vienna, Austria; 2Healthcare Sector, Imaging & IT Division, Magnetic Resonance, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany; 3Resonance Research, Inc., Billerica, MA, United States

MR-microscopy can be looked upon as key technological tool in MRI-based molecular imaging in biological models and human pathology samples. Is it possible to achieve a pixel-size below 100 m on high-field human MR-scanners (B≥7T) within 21min at acceptable Signal-to-Noise-Ratio? We present microscopic images at voxel-size of 25x51x200 m3 and document a spatial resolution higher than 34m using specifically designed grid-phantoms. The data, according to our knowledge, represents the highest documented spatial resolution obtained yet on such a scanner. The technical equipment based on a high gradient-strength insert coil and sensitive detectors is shortly explained.
