Arabinda Mishra1, Baxter P. Rogers1,
Barbara Dillenburger1, Kevin Wilson1, Feng Wang1,
John C. Gore1, Li Min Chen1
1Radiology & Radiological Science,
between resting state BOLD signals in widely distributed brain regions is a
key signature of consciously driven mental activity in humans. In this work we
attempted to explore if a fine scale functional connectivity can be detected
within the anatomically well defined primary somatosensory cortex (SI) at
high field and whether the functional connectivity reflects anatomical
hierarchical relationships in anesthetized monkeys. We found that functional
connectivity exists among anatomically interconnected cortical subregions
(areas 3a, 3b, 1 and 2) within SI without the involvement of consciousness
(or alertness), and the strengths of the correlation among these subregions
reflect the strength of their underlying anatomical connections.