Elsayed H. Ibrahim1, Kevin R. Johnson1,
Jean M. Shaffer1, Richard D. White1
1University of
stiffness can be noninvasively estimated by measuring pulse wave
velocity(PWV) from velocity-encoded MR images using different methods:
transit-time(TT), flow-area(QA), and cross-correlation(XC). However, the
reproducibility and comparison of these different techniques have not yet
been studied in a large diverse group of patients for relative durability and
reproducibility, especially at 3T field. In this work, the aortic PWV is
measured in 50 patients, representing a wide range of cardiovascular
conditions, to assess inter-observer, intra-observer, inter-scan, and
inter-method variabilities using 3T MRI. The TT method resulted in the
most-reproducible measurements and required the shortest processing-time,
followed by XC and QA.