Ola Friman1, Anja Hennemuth1,
Andreas Harloff2, Jelena Bock3, Michael Markl3,
Heinz-Otto Peitgen1
1Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany; 2Neurology
and Clinical Neurophysiology, Albert-Ludwigs Universitt, Freiburg, Germany; 3Diagnostic
Radiology, Medical Physics, Albert-Ludwigs Universitt, Freiburg, Germany
techniques for visualizing and quantifying flow data obtained with phase
contrast (PC) MRI treat the measurements as if they were free of noise. This
practice may lend the results a false sense of precision. This work
contributes a flow connectivity mapping algorithm that models the noise in PC
MRI velocity measurements and visualizes the flow uncertainty as a
probabilistic flow distribution. New probabilistic measures such as the
assignment of likelihoods to flow pathways to evaluate mixing of blood, or to
quantify embolization probabilities in stroke and infarction, are also