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Abstract #1372

MR-Based Imaging for Patient Specific, Fully Coupled 2-Way Fluid-Structure Interaction of the Human Aorta

Jonas Lantz1, Johan Renner1, Matts Karlsson1

1Department of Management and Engineering, Linkping University, Linkping, Sweden

A method of incorporating MR-based imaging with advanced fluid-structure interaction simulations of the human aorta is presented. It is well established that wall shear stress is an indicator of increased risk for development of atherosclerotic plaques, and to be able to more accurately capture the flow (and solid) dynamics of the aorta, the movement of the wall is computed based on the blood flow. The geometries are extracted with a MRI scanner together with flow velocities, and used as boundary conditions in the simulations. The feasibility of the method is shown and initial results looks very promising.
