William Lefranois1, Wadie Ben Hassen,
Stphane Sanchez, Jean-Michel Franconi, Eric Thiaudire, Sylvain Miraux
1Rsonance Magntique des Systmes
Biologiques, UMR 5536 CNRS-Univ.
diseases, particularly atherosclerosis, are a major health problem in
developed countries. In some cases, stenosis can become critical and cause
coronary heart disease necessitating surgical interventions. Therapy planning
in patients with multiple stenosis could be facilitated by using whole body
angiography. MR angiography (MRA) method currently used on human, is
first-pass MRA using a Gadolinium contrast agent. However, this method can
not be used on small animal models. This study aimed to develop a fast
Time-of-Flight-MRA method able to screen the whole body in reasonable
acquisition times and assess the degree and extent of stenosis.