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Abstract #1469

Point-Spread-Functions for RF Imaging with TRASE: Implications for Phase Gradient Coil Design and Flip Angle Calibration

Jonathan C. Sharp1, Donghui Yin2, Boguslaw Tomanek1, Scott B. King2

1Institute for Biodiagnostics (West), National Research Council of Canada, Calgary, AB, Canada; 2Institute for Biodiagnostics, National Research Council of Canada, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Imaging without B0-gradients by the TRASE method is based on echo trains with refocusing pulses produced by RF phase gradient fields. K-space evolution occurs between successive echoes. The use of phase gradients means that pulse phases vary spatially. Also |B1| inhomogeneity, causing flip-angle errors, is always present. Both effects combine to result in each location in the sample experiencing a different pulse sequence, which results in a position-dependent point-spread-function (PSF). We examine how the relationships between sequence design, coil design and flip angle calibration can be used to maximize the sample volume offering a good PSF.
