Anna Masako Welz1, Daniel Gallichan1,
Christian Cocosco1, Rajesh Kumar2, Feng Jia2,
Jeff Snyder1, Andrew Dewdney3, Jan Korvink2,4,
Jrgen Hennig1, Maxim Zaitsev1
1Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Medical
Physics, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany; 2Dept.
of Microsystems Engineering IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg,
Germany; 3Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany; 44Freiburg
Institute of Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
proposed and self-build PatLoc gradient coil needs special characterisation
to support and improve the quality of the images acquired with this gradient
coil. Focusing on image acquisition, frequency shifts arising from eddy
currents and concomitant fields were assessed and evaluated. Frequency drifts
of around 0.1HZ from eddy currents and up to 300Hz from concomitant fields
were observed. With encoding fields of around 3*105 Hz, both effects are
negligible for most imaging applications.