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Abstract #1529

Mechanically Adjustable Shielded Insert Gradient for Experimental Evaluation of Construction Tolerances

Dustin Wesley Haw1, Brain Dalrymple1, Frank Van Sas1, Timothy James Scholl1, Blaine Alexander Chronik1

1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

Virtually all applications in MR require the rapid switching of gradient fields within the scanner, and many emerging applications take advantage of rapidly switched shim coils; eddy-currents generated in the system are therefore a constant challenge. The construction tolerances required for these shielded systems are not well known. Our goal is to examine the eddy-currents generated by driving a special shielded insert gradient coil of our own design. We present initial results with this test system for the impedance of the shielded gradient insert as a function of shield positioning error, both inside and outside an idealized scanner bore.