Laure Rousselet1,2, Marina Filipovic1,2,
Zhor Ramdan-Cherif1,2, Valrie Laurent, 2,3, Cdric
Pasquier4, Jacques Felblinger1,2
1IADI, Nancy-Universit,
acquisitions have to be synchronized with respiration to avoid motion
artifacts. Pneumatic belts are the most current tool for this purpose.
However, these belts suffer from signal drifts, leaks in pneumatic system and
give only an average displacement. We present a MR compatible sensor which
aims at measuring the acceleration of a localized region. Accelerometer is
well correlated to image-based displacement measures and gives similar
results to respiratory belts. The sensor presents practical advantages: it is
small, easy to position on the patient, less cumbersome than respiratory
bellows and allows for local displacement estimation.