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Abstract #1636

Enhanced ICBM Diffusion Tensor Template of the Human Brain

Shengwei Zhang1, Huiling Peng1, Robert Dawe1, Konstantinos Arfanakis1

1Biomedical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, United States

The purpose of this study was to develop a diffusion tensor (DT) template that is more representative of the microstructure of the human brain, and more accurately matches ICBM space than existing templates. This was achieved by normalizing 67 DT datasets with minimal artifacts using high-dimensional non-linear registration. The normalization accuracy achieved for the 67 datasets was evaluated. The properties of the resulting template were compared to those of the current state of the art. The new template was shown to be more representative of single-subject human brain diffusion characteristics, and more accurately matches ICBM space than previously published templates.