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Abstract #1789

Improving and Validating a Local AIF Method

Lisa Willats1, Soren Christensen2, Henry Ma3, Geoffrey Donnan4,5, Alan Connelly1,5, Fernando Calamante1,5

1Brain Research Institute, Florey Neuroscience Institutes (Austin), Melbourne, Australia; 2Department of Radiology, University of Melbourne, Australia; 3National Stroke Research Institute, Florey Neuroscience Institutes (Austin), Melbourne, Australia; 4Florey Neuroscience Institutes , Melbourne, Australia; 5Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Australia

In bolus tracking the perfusion errors associated with bolus delay/dispersion may be minimised using a local Arterial Input Function (AIF) analysis. We improve a previously presented local AIF method by minimising the influence of the Mean Transit Time (MTT) on the local AIF selection. This is particularly important for identifying local AIFs in regions bordering normal and abnormal MTT tissue. We assess the improvement by comparing the amount of delay/dispersion remaining in the deconvolved tissue response after each local AIF approach, and compare both methods with the standard global AIF analysis.
