Seider1, Harald Busse1, Nikita Garnov1,
Gregor Thrmer1, Susann Heinig1, Tim Riedel1,
Thomas Kahn1, Michael Moche1
1Diagnostic and Interventional
is well suited to guide percutaneous interventions of liver lesions that are
hardly visible with ultrasound or CT. Dedicated open MR systems are often
used because they provide good patient access. This work presents first
clinical experience with a new navigation solution that was used during RF
ablation of liver tumors in a standard closed-bore scanner environment. After
a special breathhold training, even double oblique access paths could be
realized. RFA probe and thermally induced lesion could be reliably visualized
with a VIBE sequence. While technical efforts are higher the times for needle
placement and thermal ablation are comparable to those under CT guidance.