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Abstract #2029

Central and Cortical Gray Mater Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images of the Fetal Brain

Meritxell Bach Cuadra1, Marie Schaer2, Gabriele Bonano1, Anouk Andr1, Laurent Guibaud3, Stephan Eliez2, Jean-Philippe Thiran1

1Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS5), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Ecublens, Vaud, Switzerland; 2Service Mdico-Pdagogique, Psychiatry Department, University of Geneva School of Medicine, Switzerland; 3Imagerie pdiatrique et ftale, Hpital Debrousse, Lyon, France

In this work we present our methodology to segment central (basal ganglia) and cortical gray mater of brain in magnetic resonance fetal imaging. This is a key step in the study of early human brain development. The results for basal ganglia segmentation are quantitatively validated in 4 cases from 29 to 32 gestational weeks. Cortical brain surface is evaluated qualitatively in a case study. Our efforts are now in testing such approach on a wider range of gestational ages that we will include in the final version of this work and studying as well its generalization to different scanners and different type of MRI sequences.
