Slim Fellah1, Yann Lefur1,
Elisabeth Soulier1, Cline Boucard2, Sylviane
Confort-Gouny1, Olivier Chinot2, Patrick J. Cozzone1,
Jean-Philippe Ranjeva1, Virginie Callot1
de Rsonance Magntique Biologique et Mdicale (CRMBM), CNRS UMR 6612,
Facult de Mdecine, Marseille, France; 2Unit de Neuro-Oncologie,
CHU Timone, Marseille, France
have become part of Glioblastoma therapeutic protocol. However
pseudo-response followed by a critical recurrence may be observed.
Non-responders thus need to be prematurely identified. However current
imaging criteria are insufficient or late, new MR markers should therefore be
investigated. In this preliminary study, we used a multimodal protocol
including particularly ASL and SWI, which provide vascular information. A few
weeks after the beginning of the treatment, FLAIR and post-contrast T1-WI
showed partial response whereas perfusion MRI and SWI demonstrated hyperperfusion
and vascularization increase. The parameters derived from such sequences
should thus be considered as early indicators of tumor evolution.