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Abstract #2263

Flow-Sensitive Black Blood Imaging : Clinical Intracranial Applications

Vijay Sawlani1, J Spark2, Faiza Admiraa-Behloul3

1Radiology, Morriston and Singleton hospitals ABM university NHS trust, Swansea, United Kingdom; 2Morriston and Singleton hospitals ABM university NHS trust, Swansea,, United Kingdom; 3MR-BU, Toshiba Meidcal Systems Europe, Zoetermeer, Netherlands

Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) is sensitive to venous vasculature and is a powerful tool for evaluating vascular malformations such as venous angiomas. To enhance the visibility of small vascular structures, especially at 1,5T systems, a flow-sensitive black-blood (FS-BB) has been recently developed; The purpose of this study is to evaluate the utility of the FS-BB sequence in various intracranial lesions apart from vascular malformations.
