Geppert1, Rolf Janka2, Berthold Kiefer1,
Michael Uder2, Evelyn Wenkel2
1MR Oncology, Siemens Heatlthcare,
Erlangen, Germany; 2Radiologisches Institut, Universittsklinikum
Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany
non-fatsuppressed dynamic breast imaging, it is a well accepted recommendation
to acquire data at or close to echo times that fulfil the in-phase condition
for fat and water, such as 4.7ms at 1.5T, in order to avoid partial volume
effects that lead to signal cancellation at fat/water interfaces. Thus it is
usually suggested of using either in-phase TE or TE less than 1.2ms
resulting in a phase difference of below 90. In a comparable parameter
setting this would result in a decrease of 50% of the total acquisition time.
With current gradient systems and fast imaging sequences this has now become
possible without compromising the matrix size or the bandwidth. In this work
we have set up an interleaved protocol approach to achieve a direct
comparison of a minimum TE acquisition with a clinical standard protocol.