Bo Elizabeth Peng1, Sean Foxley2,
Jeremy Palgen1, Robin Holmes2,
1Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States; 2Radiology,
The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
tested several MRI methods for the identification and characterization of
small calcium crystals for probing microcalcifications in breast cancer.
High-resolution MR images were acquired of small Ca-crystals imbedded in air
bubble-free agarose phantoms in clinical and research magnets. Two types of
Ca-crystals that are commonly associated with benign and malignant breast
lesions, are clearly detectable and distinguishable by MRI, but not
distinguishable on x-ray mammograms. The present results lend support to the
feasibility of clinical visualization and analysis of microcalcifications by
MRI. Detection of microcalcifications by MRI would increase sensitivity and
specificity for breast cancer detection.