Gutberlet1, Anne Roth1, Dietbert Hahn1,
Herbert Kstler1
1Institut fuer Roentgendiagnostik, University
of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany
novel method is presented allowing improving 3D-MRI. Virtual coil
deconvolution imaging for effective density weighted imaging (VIDED) combines
the virtual coil concept with density weighted imaging. DW imaging allows
improving the spatial response function at an optimal signal-to-noise ratio
but at the expense of incoherent aliasing. In VIDED imaging this aliasing is
suppressed by virtual coil deconvolution imaging which is a method allowing
parallel imaging even for single receiver coils. VIDED imaging was applied in
slice direction of 3D-MRI improving the slice profile, increasing the SNR up
to 17% and the FOV in slice direction approximately by 25%.