Vlker1, Philipp Ehses1, Martin Blaimer2,
Felix Breuer2, Peter Michael Jakob1,2
1Department of Experimental Physics 5,
University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Bavaria, Germany; 2Research
Center for Magnetic Resonance Bavaria (MRB), Wrzburg, Germany
segmented radial Turbo Spin-Echo (rTSE) sequence was investigated towards its
feasibility for high resolution lung imaging under free breathing conditions.
No triggering techniques were involved to define the limits of the sequence
itself. Unlike ultrafast singleshot techniques such as HASTE resolution is
not intrinsically limited by the T2 signal decay while motion, especially of
the beating heart, poses only a small problem in comparison with conventional
Cartesian TSE. In addition, arbitrary T2 contrasts may be generated by
postprocessing a single dataset allowing for the calculation of quantitative
T2 maps.