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Abstract #2556

Theoretical Model for XTC (Xenon Transfer Contrast) Experiments with Hyperpolarized 129Xe

Mirko I. Hrovat1, Iga Muradian2, Eric Frederick3, James P. Butler4, Hiroto Hatabu2, Samuel Patz2

1Mirtech, Inc., Brockton, MA, United States; 2Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States; 3Dept. of Physics, University of Masachusetts at Lowell, Lowell, MA, United States; 4Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, United States

A theoretical model is presented to understand the XTC experiment with hyperpolarized 129Xe for arbitrary flip angle. The model is flexible in that different dissolved state diffusion models may be incorporated. The model also illustrates fundamental differences between CSSR and XTC experiments. It is clear that no single exchange time value dominates the time evolution of the XTC signal. It is demonstrated that the XTC90 experiment (employing 90 flips instead of 180) should generate results similar to CSSR experiments.
