Mark J.R.J. Bouts1, Ivo A.C.W. Tiebosch1,
Ren Zwartbol1, Ona Wu2, Rick M. Dijkhuizen1
1Image Sciences Institute, University
Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2Athinoula A.
Martinos center for biomedical imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Charlestown, MA, United States
clustering of multiparametric MRI data enables classification of
heterogeneous ischemic lesions into distinct categories. Previously, we have
introduced a lesion clustering approach that incorporates temporal T2 and
diffusion dynamics for tissue characterization. In the current study we
extend this approach in an experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage model, to
evaluate lesion characteristics in a treatment and control group based on
temporal changes in T2, diffusion, and perfusion parameters. Five distinct
signatures with different characteristics of cerebrovascular injury were
identified and signature distribution revealed a different prevalence in Interferon-β
treated animals compared to controls.