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Abstract #3210

Comparison of a New Whole Body Continuous Table Movement Versus a Standard Whole Body MR Protocol for the Assessment of Multiple Myeloma

Sabine Weckbach1, Henrik J. Michaely1, Alto Stemmer2, Stefan O. Schoenberg1, Dietmar J. Dinter1

1Department of Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany; 2Imaging & IT Division, Magnetic Resonance, Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany

A new WB CTM protocol consisting of axial T2-w fs BLADE and T1-w GRE-sequences allows the assessment of patients with multiple myeloma with comparable image quality and identical ability to detect bone marrow and soft tissue lesions compared to a standard step-by-step-protocol with even better organ assessability. Scan time is reduced by 75%. Taking into account the limitations of the technique concerning vertebral fracture assessment this new protocol seems advantageous for patients with pain, allows a higher patient throughput in clinical routine and might facilitate the depiction of extramedullary lesions.
