Heidi J. Siddle1, Anthony C. Redmond1,
Philip S. Helliwell1, Richard J. Wakefield1, Philip J.
O'Connor2, Richard J. Hodgson3
1Section of Musculoskeletal Disease,
University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom; 2Leeds Musculoskeletal
Biomedical Research Unit, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds, United
Kingdom; 3Leeds Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit,
University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
is widely used to image the plantar plates of the metarsophalangeal
joints. High signal at the insertion
is routinely interpreted as a tear; however this is controversial. In this study 3T MRI images consistently
demonstrated high signal at the plantar plate insertion centrally in
asymptomatic subjects. The high signal did not extend to the medial and lateral
borders and is not seen on T2 weighted images. Dorsiflexion of the joint demonstrates
bands connecting the body of the plantar plate to the proximal phalanx. High
signal centrally in the plantar plate is not indicative of a tear in
asymptomatic subjects.