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Abstract #3372

In Vivo 31P-MRS at 7T by Single Voxel E-ISIS with GOIA Selection Pulses

Wolfgang Bogner1, Marek Chmelik1, Ovidiu Cristian Andronesi2, Stephan Gruber1, Siegfried Trattnig1

1MR Center of Excellence, Radiology, Medical University, Vienna, Austria; 2Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Havard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States

An image-selected in vivo spectroscopy (ISIS) sequence was developed for acquisition of localized 31P-MRS at 7T in vivo. For accurate localization (negligible contamination and chemical shift error) even with B1 inhomogeneous surface coils gradient offset independent adiabatic (GOIA) inversion pulses with high bandwidth were used. To allow short TR without increases in contamination due to T1 smearing an E-ISIS acquisition scheme was combined with adiabatic BIR-4 excitation. This allows localized 31P-MRS in clinically feasible measurement time (~3-4 min) and good spatial resolution (~2-2.5 cm isotropic) with high reproducibility.
