Wanyong Shin1, Hong Gu1, Qihong
Zou1, Pradeep Kurup1, Yihong Yang1
1Neuroimaging Research Branch, National
Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health,
this study, we investigate spatial variations of BOLD contrast (β)
within individual subjects and correlate it with voxel-wise T1 and fractional
volume (fv) of each tissue component using a new brain segmentation
technique, FRASIER. Our data show that spatial variation within individual
subjects in a ROI activated by a visual task is highly correlated with T1 and
fractional volume of GM, as well as resting-state fluctuation amplitude
(RSFA). The dependency (slop of the linear regression), however, varies over
subjects. These findings may be used to calibrate BOLD signals for improving
sensitivity and specificity in detecting brain activity.