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Abstract #3580

Combination of Through-Plane Tissue Phase Mapping and SPAMM for 3D Cardiac Motion Assessment

Anja Lutz1, Axel Bornstedt1, Robert Manzke2, Gerd Ulrich Nienhaus3, Volker Rasche1

1University Hospital of Ulm, Ulm, BW, Germany; 2Philips Research Europe, Hamburg; 3Institute of Technology, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Cardiac motion assessment can be performed by tagged imaging combined with HARP analysis and with tissue phase mapping (TPM). The tagging approach enables fast assessment of the in-plane motion component, where TPM can be applied for full assessment of the motion vector in 3D but requires at least fourfold measurement time. In this contribution tagging is combined with TPM for 3D + time motion assessment. There is no information loss of the through plane motion, when tag lines are applied. The combination can be used to reduce imaging time for motion encoding in 3D.
