Amol Pednekar1, Benjamin Cheong2,
Raja Muthupillai2, Claudio Arena2
1Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH,
United States; 2Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, St.
Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston, TX, United States
propose an integrated real-time data acquisition and retrospective
post-processing strategy to estimate parameters characterizing global
function of the left ventricle. Our
initial evaluation of feasibility of this approach in normal subjects shows
that slice-by-slice LV volumes estimated using the real-time cine imaging
approach are comparable to the LV volumes obtained using conventional,
breathhold cardiac cine SSFP techniques.
The combination of respiratory navigator triggering, real-time
unsegmented SSFP cine imaging, and integrated retrospective automated
processing may make this approach particularly useful in patients with severe
arrhythmias, and/or severely compromised respiratory function.