Alexander Raaijmakers1, Bob van den Bergen1,
Dennis Klomp2, Catalina Arteaga de Castro2, Vincent
Boer2, Hugo Kroeze2, Peter Luijten2, Jan
Lagendijk1, Nico van den Berg1
1Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands; 2Radiology, UMC Utrecht, Netherlands
this study, we compare a 8-stripline coil array with a endorectal coil. FDTD
simulations are performed to evaluate the SAR deposition of both coils. Given
the power restrictions due to these SAR levels, the suitability of the coils
is tested for three common imaging protocols for prostate cancer: a T1w
image, a T2w image and MR spectroscopy. Results show that a surface coil
array is needed for T1w and T2w images, while the endorectal coil is needed
for spectroscopy.