Modhurin Banerjee Snyder1,
1GE Healthcare,
coil system based exclusively on the Double Asymmetric Saddle Pair motif was
conceived as an extension of the work done with the DLAS (Double Loop
Asymmetric Saddle) system. This coil system, dubbed the ASK (Asymmetric
Saddle K-topology) was evaluated for SNR and uniformity-of-response
performance against loop-based, quadrature loop/saddle-based, and DLAS based
designs via phantom imaging. The relative SNR gain provided by the ASK array
compared to the DLAS ranges from 40 % at the periphery to 15% at the center;
furthermore, the ASK system demonstrated a peak SNR (at center) 20% better
than the standard Quadrature Coil(QD).