Gaggl1, Andrzej Jesmanowicz1, Robert W. Prost1
1Biophysics, Medical College of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States
Tensor Imaging experiments require wide dynamic signal ranges, as they
necessitate collecting an unweighted spin-echo image with a high intensity
and a series of diffusion-weighted images with low intensities. Dynamic range increases with increasing the
diffusion-weighting. Analog-digital
converters with typical RF receivers have 16-bit resolution, while our system
reaches over 20-bit. This is possible
by direct-sampling the RF signal and downsampling it. Data from our receiver demonstrate superior
signal-to-noise and diffusion-to-noise ratios and a dynamic range that is at
least 4 bits wider than typical 16-bit receivers, shortening scanning
durations and making it ideal for experiments with high diffusion-weighting.