Olivier Baldent1, Vronique Courtois2,
Batrice Krepjowicz2, Julie Schauvliege3, Anthony
Fichten4, Guy Kongolo5, Roger Bouzerar1,
Catherine Gondry-Jouet3
1image processing, university hospital,
Amiens, Picardie, France, Metropolitan; 2Ecole suprieure
d'ostopathie et de biomcanique, Paris; 3radiology, university
hospital, Amiens, Picardie, France, Metropolitan; 4image
processing, neurosurgery, Amiens, Picardie, France, Metropolitan; 5pediatry,
university hospital, Amiens, Picardie, France, Metropolitan
purpose of this study is to quantify with PC-MRI, CSF and cerebral vascular
flows maturation in paediatric population and demonstrate how altered flows
in children with hydrocephalus can be pointed. 36 children (5days-8years)
were defined as a paediatric control group. 6 newborns (9days-6weeks) with
ventricular dilation associated to intra ventricular haemorrhage (IVH) were
individually studied. Arterial, venous, cervical CSF and aqueductal CSF flows
were presented function of age. The 6 IVH newborn presented alterations of
their cerebral flows. Quantitative assessments of CSF and blood flows
indicate the potential usefulness of PC-MRI in paediatric hydrocephalus.