Charlotte Rosso1,2, Yohan Attal2,
Sophie Crozier1, Romain Valabrgue3, Dider Dormont,
2,4, Sylvain Baillet2, Stephane Lehericy3,5, Yves
1Urgences Cerebro-Vasculaires,
Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France; 2CRICM, INSERM UMR
S_975, CNRS UMR_7225, Equipe COGIMAGE, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris,
France; 3Centre for NeuroImaging Research CENIR,
Pitie-Salpetrire Hospital, Paris, France; 4Neuroradiology
Department, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France; 5Neuroradiology
Department, Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France
this study, we used, in 43 MCA acute stroke patients with initial and
follow-up MRI, ADC maps to study the tissue-at-risk location. To investigate
this issue, time course of ADC changes between initial and follow-up MRI,
impact of recanalization in final ADC-defined infarct areas, and relationship
with key regions associated with poor outcome were assessed. Infarct
expansion concerns perisylvian regions but also the deep MCA territory and
part of the CST. The comparison of ADC maps of recanalized vs.
non-recanalized and good vs. poor outcome patients shows a great overlap and
involved the lenticular nucleus and the CST.