Balasubramanian1, Uma Sharma1, Senthil S. Kumaran1,
Naranamangalam R. Jagannathan1
1Department of NMR & MRI Facility,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India
of variation in T2, ADC and FA with the lesion volume at various stages of
de- and re-myelination in a demyelinating rat model was carried out at 4.7 T.
During demyelination lesion size, T2 and ADC increased while FA decreased
indicating loss of myelin, while these values were reversed during
remyelination. A strong positive correlation was observed between lesion
volume and T2 and between lesion volume and ADC, while FA showed strong
negative correlation. Our data thus indicated the potential of parameters in
characterizing the various stages of the de- and re-myelination thus
providing useful information on its pathophysiology.