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Abstract #4624

Bronchial Perfusion in the Lungs Observed by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI

Nabil Saouti1, Anton Vonk Noordegraaf1, Michael Ingrisch2, J. Tim Marcus1

1VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany

The aim is to visualise the perfusion of the lungs by the pulmonary and bronchial system separately, based on the fact that a contrast bolus injected intravenously will arrive later in the bronchial than in the pulmonary system. Included were 7 patients with whole left or right pulmonary artery atresia, and 6 chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension patients. Using 3D dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with 1 s temporal resolution, a 5 s signal-intensity onset delay was measured between open lung or lung region, and obstructed lung (region), providing evidence for bronchial arterial supply after a pulmonary artery obstruction.
