Yong Pang1,
Bing Wu2, Xiaoliang Zhang2,3
1Radiology and Biomedical imaging,
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA , United States; 2Radiology
and Biomedical imaging, University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States; 3 UCSF/UC Berkeley Joint Graduate
Group in Bioengineering, San Francisco & Berkeley, CA, United States
MRI can reduce the acquisition time and raw data size using significantly
undersampled k-space. However, conventional k-trajectories waste much time in
traveling useless k-space samples. In this work the optimal k-space
trajectory design for sparse MRI is addressed. After sampling the k-space
using Monto-Carlo sampling schemes, the graphic theory is applied to design
an optimal shingle-shot k-trajectory traveling through all these samples,
which can further decrease the acquisition time. To demonstrate the
feasibility and efficiency, conventional Cartesian EPI and spiral
trajectories, as well as their gradients are designed to be compared with
those of the optimal k-trajectory.