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Abstract #4952

Multi-Voxel Excitation Using Sparse Pulse on Significantly Undersampled K-Space

Yong Pang1, Xiaoliang Zhang2,3

1Radiology and Biomedical imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA , United States; 2Radiology and Biomedical imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States; 3UCSF/UC Berkeley Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering, San Francisco & Berkeley, CA, United States

Multi-dimensional spatial selective excitation and parallel transmission have been applied to single- and multi-voxel MR spectroscopy to excite arbitrarily shaped region and shorten the pulse width. Recently the sparse pulse has been developed to shorten the excitation duration by using significantly undersampled k-space. Taking the advantage of this new technique, an example of multi-voxel excitation using sparse pulse is presented. Bloch simulation results demonstrate that each voxel can be well localized within the Field of View and the in-slice error can be controlled within 5%.
