Neville D. Gai1, John A. Butman
1Radiology & Imaging Sciences,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
dual flip angle technique (DAT) with short TRs is widely used to derive T1
maps rapidly. DAT offers a relatively faster alternative to typical
Look-Locker based schemes. The optimal flip angles required, the effect of
field inhomogeneity and, more recently, the effect of spoiling for DAT have
been described in literature. In this work, we systematically study various
sources of errors through simulations and error propagation analysis. DAT
accuracy and repeatability of T1 calculations is shown to be substantially
affected as a result of these sources of errors especially when compared with
inversion recovery based schemes. Experimental results in phantoms and head
scans in several volunteers confirm relatively poorer repeatability and
accuracy in calculated T1 values especially when compared with recently
described rapid Look-Locker technique with similar temporal and spatial