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Abstract #5014

Motion Compensated Reconstruction for Thoracoabdominal Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Free-Breathing

Marina Filipovic1,2, Pierre-Andr Vuissoz1,2, Andrei Codreanu3, Michel Claudon4, Jacques Felblinger1,5

1INSERM-U947, Nancy, France; 2Laboratory IADI, Nancy-Universit, Nancy, France; 3Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg; 4University Hospital Nancy; 5INSERM-CIC801

Physiological motion often impairs the analysis of abdominal and thoracic dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, by causing motion-induced artefacts and misregistration. A previously published reconstruction algorithm, GRICS, corrects for motion-induced artifacts in a single image reconstruction. A novel method has been developed by modifying GRICS with the purpose of performing whole motion compensation in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. The performance is demonstrated on 6 myocardial perfusion MRI data sets and on one simulated data set. The results present elastic registration and motion-artefact correction of the image series, in order to allow for more accurate time-intensity curves analysis and for a simplified post-processing.
