Andreas Hock1, Anke Henning2,
Michael Schr3,4, Alexander Fuchs1, Spyros Kollias5,
Peter Boesiger1
1University and ETH Zurich, Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland; 2University
Hospital of Zurich, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Zurich,
Switzerland; 3The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
1Russel H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science,
Baltimore, MD, United States; 4Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH,
United States; 5University Hospital of Zurich, Institute of
Neuroradiology, Zurich, Switzerland
FASTERMAP shimming is introduced and compared to conventional FASTERMAP
shimming and shimming based on ECG-triggered B0 field mapping for single
voxel proton spectroscopy at 3T. This investigation shows that the use of
ECG-triggered FASTERMAP seems to be a robust and applicable method for
clinical spinal cord spectroscopy. It is significantly faster than
ECG-triggered B0 mapping and in contrast to the conventional FASTERMAP
shimming artifacts due to pulsatile CSF flow introduced by cardiac motion may
have less influence.