Dennis Klomp1, Wybe
van der Kemp1, Mies Korteweg1, Jannie Wijnen1,
Maurice van de Bosch1, Peter Luijten1
First the feasibility of detecting phospholipid metabolites in vivo in the human breast is demonstrated using 31P MRSI at 7T. Secondly, substantially higher levels of PE and GPE compared to PC and GPC in breast cancer tissue are shown, which may be the cause of increased signal increase at 3.2 ppm in the proton spectrum rather than total choline. Finally, alterations in phopholipid metabolism during neoadjuvant chemotherapy are observed that could not be detected with 1H MRS. Therefore, 31P MRS at 7T seems a promising technique for monitoring breast cancer treatments with potentially a higher sensitivity than 1H MRS.