Michael Helle1,
Susanne Rfer1, Wouter Teeuwisse2, Olav Jansen1,
David Gordon Norris3,4, Matthias van Osch2
1Institute for
Neuroradiology, Christian-Albrechts-Universitt, UK-SH,
Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is considered the gold-standard for cerebral angiography but the procedure is invasive and bears the risk of severe complications. Existing MR angiography techniques offer non-invasive approaches but the selectivity is restricted to major brain feeding vessels. In this study, we combined superselective arterial spin labeling with an optimized image acquisition which was applied in healthy volunteers as well as in patients suffering from arterio-venous-malformation (AVM). This approach for selective ASL angiography not only mimics DSA but also combines advantages of superselective labeling and high-resolution 3D image acquisition in a complete non-invasive way.