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Abstract #0748

Highly-Accelerated Real-Time Cine MRI using Compressed Sensing & Parallel Imaging with Cardiac Motion Constrained Reconstruction

Li Feng1, Ricardo Otazo2, Monvadi B. Srichai2,3, Ruth P. Lim2, Daniel K. Sodickson2, Daniel Kim2

1Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA; 2Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA; 3Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA

Real-time cine MRI is a valuable technique for patients with reduced breath-hold capacity and/or arrhythmia. Recently, highly-accelerated real-time cine MRI using compressed sensing and parallel imaging that jointly exploits image sparsity in time series data and coil sensitivity was proposed. However, use of temporal FFT as sparsifying transform yielded temporal blurring of pixels that occupy both myocardium and blood over time. In this work, we performed cardiac motion constrained reconstruction to minimize the aforementioned artifact by generating multiple reconstructions with a different number of cardiac frames and combining the results to minimize temporal blurring.

