Rachel Waichung Chan1, Elizabeth Anne
Ramsay2, Edward Yiuwah Cheung3, Donald Bruce Plewes1,2
1Medical Biophysics,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2Imaging
Research, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 3University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Flexible radial imaging allows multiple image sets, each having a different spatiotemporal balance, to be retrospectively reconstructed from the same dataset. Flexibility in dynamic contrast-enhanced breast imaging is desired because the optimal spatiotemporal balance for image diagnosis is unknown. Radially undersampled images have high temporal resolution, but suffer from undersampling streak artifacts that degrade image quality. Compressed sensing (CS) reconstruction has been shown to reduce such streak artifacts by enforcing sparsity in the image. Here, we implement and compare various flexible radial sampling schemes in an in vivo experiment, and reconstruct images with CS over a range of spatiotemporal resolutions.