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Abstract #1844

Eddy Current Compensation for a PatLoc Gradient Coil

Anna Masako Welz1, Daniel Gallichan1, Andrew J. Dewdney2, Walter R. Witschey1, Christian A. Cocosco1, Hans Weber1, Jrgen Hennig1, Jan G. Korvink3,4, Maxim Zaitsev1

1University Medical Center Freiburg, Department of Radiology, Medical Physics, Freiburg, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany; 2Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany; 3Dept. of Microsystems Engineering IMTEK, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 4Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

PatLoc imaging with non-linear quadrupolar gradients has been developed and realised for rapid MR imaging. This gradient coil is driven within a clinical 3T scanner with 6 gradient channels for simultaneous use of the linear and PatLoc gradients. For rapid imaging the gradient coil performance and accuracy is especially important. This abstract describes the measurement procedure and the compensation of eddy currents from around 300Hz to 30Hz, which improves image quality significantly.