Willem M. Otte1,2, Kajo van Der Marel2,
Kees P. J. Braun1, Rick M. Dijkhuizen2
1Rudolf Magnus Institute of
Neuroscience, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2Image
Sciences Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
White matter volume changes as a result of focal epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. However, the direction, extent and time course of these changes remain unknown. We characterized serial white matter volumes in the contralateral hemisphere in a model of focal epilepsy and hemispherectomy in rats. Substantial differences in white matter volumes of the healthy hemisphere were found in rats with a contralateral epileptic focus. In addition we found contralateral volume changes after hemispherectomy. These results imply that the interpretation of volume changes occurring after epilepsy surgery is complicated. Multiple factors influence structural alterations in the remaining brain.