Yanqiu Feng1, Yanli Song1, Cong
Wang1, Taigang He2, Xuegang Xin1, Wufan Chen1
1School of Biomedical Engineering,
Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, People's Republic of; 2Royal
Brompton Hospital & Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
Direct Fourier transform (DFT) could reconstruct MR image from non-Cartesian data with high precision. However, the high computation complexity makes DFT impractical for clinical application. Up to now, the published "FFT" algorithms for non-equispaced data do not strictly compute the DFT of nonequispaced data, but rather some approximation. In this work, an efficient algorithm for DFT using the Chirp Transform Algorithm (CTA) was proposed to reconstruct MR image from non-Cartesian trajectories consisting of lines with equispaced points such as radial or PROPERLLER sampling. The proposed CTA-DFT algorithm is demonstrated to be significantly faster than DFT while keeping the same accuracy.