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Abstract #3174

POCS-Based Compressive Slice Encoding for Metal Artifact Correction

Wenmiao Lu1, Jun Deng1, Yi Lu2, Garry Gold3, Brian Hargreaves3

1Nanyang Tech. University, Singapore, SG, Singapore; 2University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, United States; 3Stanford University, United States

Slice Encoding for Metal Artifact Correction (SEMAC) fully corrects metal-induced artifacts in MR images, which nevertheless suffers from two main problems, namely long scan times and low signal-to-noise ratio. This work presents a new POCS-based reconstruction procedure for SEMAC, which fully exploit the correlation and sparsity in SEMAC-encoded slices. The new reconstruction procedure not only greatly reduces scan times incurred to fully correct metal-induced artifacts but also leads to the improved SNR of SEMAC corrected result.

